L0146500 (lē-ä′nə, -ăn′ə) also li·ane (-än′, -ăn′)liana
(lɪˈɑːnə) orliane
(liˈɑ nə, -ˈæn ə)n., pl. -nas.
Noun | 1. | ![]() |
单词 | liana | |||
释义 | lianali·an·aL0146500 (lē-ä′nə, -ăn′ə) also li·ane (-än′, -ăn′)liana(lɪˈɑːnə) orlianeli•a•na(liˈɑ nə, -ˈæn ə)n., pl. -nas. adj.
lianaliana(lēä`nə) orliane(lēän`), name for any climbing plant that roots in the ground. The term is most often used for the woody vines that form a characteristic part of tropical rain-forest vegetation; they are sometimes also called bushropes or simply vines. Although lianas are found in every climate where there are trees to support them, they are most abundant and luxuriant in the tropics, where rapid growth to reach the light is of particular advantage in the dense vegetation. There they often ascend and descend more than one tree. Climbing palms have been measured at over 700 ft (210 m) long; a length of over 200 ft (60 m) is not unusual for many other types. Most plant families with tropical species include lianas. The distinction between true lianas and weak-stemmed trees or half-climbing shrubs cannot always be clearly drawn and depends largely on the age of the plant concerned.liana[lē′än·ə]liana, lianeLiana(language)The OOP syntax of C++ was chosen over the less familiarsyntax of Smalltalk and Objective-C to appeal to Cprogrammers and in recognition of C++ being the leading OOPlanguage. The syntax is a simplified subset of C/C++. Thesemantics are also a simplified subset of C/C++, butextended to achieve the flexibility of Smalltalk. Liana is a typeless language (like Lisp, Snobol andSmalltalk), which means that the datatypes of variables,function parameters, and function return values are not neededsince values carry the type information. Hence, variables aresimply containers for values and function parameters aresimply pipes through which any type of value can flow.Single inheritance, but not multiple inheritance, issupported. Memory management is automatic using reference counting. The library includes over 150 classes, for dynamic arrays,associative lookup tables, windows, menus, dialogs,controls, bitmaps, cursors, icons, mouse movement, keyboardinput, fonts, text and graphics display, DDE, and MDI. Liana provides flexible OOP support for Windows programming.For example, a list box automatically fills itself from anassociated object. That object is not some sort of specialobject, but is merely any object that "behaves like" an array(i.e., has a "size" member function that returns the number ofelements, a "get" function that returns the ith element, andthe text for each element is returned by calling the "text"member function for the element). A related product, C-odeScript, is an embeddable applicationscripting language. It is an implementation of Liana whichcan be called from C/C++ applications to dynamically evaluateexpressions and statement sequences. This can be used tooffer the end-user a macro/scripting capability or to allowthe C/C++ application to be customized without changing theC/C++ source code. Here's a complete Liana program which illustrates theflexibility of the language semantics and the power of theclass library: x = ask ("Enter a String"); // Use "+" operator to concatenate strings. Memory // management for string temporaries is automatic. The // "message" function displays a Windows message box. message ("You entered: " + x); // Now x will take on a different type. The "ask_number" // function will return a "real" if the user's input // contains a decimal point or an "int" if no decimal // point. x = ask_number ("Enter a Number"); // The "+" operator with a string operand will // automatically convert the other operand to a string. message ("You entered: " + x); // Prompt user for a Liana expression. Store it in a // local variable (the type, string, is merely for // documentation.) string expr = ask ("Enter an Expression"); // Evaluate the expression. The return value of "eval" // could be any type. The "source_format" member function // converts any value to its source format (e.g., add // quotes for a string.) The "class_name" member function // return the name of the class of an object/value. // Empty parens can be left off for member function calls. x = eval (expr); message ("The value of " + expr + " is " + x.source_format + " its type is " + x.class_name);" rel=nofollow target=_blank>// Prompt user for a string. // No declaration needed for "x" The author explained that the "Li" of Liana stands for"Language interpreter" and liana are vines that grow up treesin tropical forests, which seemed quite appropriate for a toolto deal with the complexity of MS Windows! It is also awoman's name. ["Liana for Windows", Aitken, P., PC TECHNIQUES, Dec/Jan1993]. ["Liana: A Language For Writing Windows Programs", Burk, R.,Tech Specialist (R&D Publications), Sep 1991]. ["Liana v. 1.0." Hildebrand, J.D., Computer Language, Dec1992]. ["Liana: A Windows Programming Language Based on C and C++",Krupansky, J., The C Users Journal, Jul 1992]. ["Writing a Multimedia App in Liana", Krupansky, J.,Dr. Dobb's Journal, Winter Multimedia Sourcebook 1994]. ["The Liana Programming Language", R. Valdes, Dr Dobbs J Oct1993, pp.50-52]. lianalianaa climbing, tropical plant with a ropelike stem.liana
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