

单词 lpm



abbr. lines per minute


or LPM,

lines per minute.



(computer science) lines per minute


lines per minute


(Lines Per Minute) The number of lines a printer can print or a scanner can scan in a minute.


LPMLines Per Minute
LPMLembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Indonesian: Institute for Community Empowerment)
LPMLiters Per Minute
LPMLast Position Memory (music players)
LPMLiteracy Partners of Manitoba (Canada)
LPMLumped Parameter Model
LPMLaw Practice Management
LPMLibertarian Party of Michigan
LPMLabels per Minute
LPMLabel Printing Machine
LPMLinux Performance Measurement
LPMLongest Prefix Match
LPMLongest Prefix Match (IP packet forwarding mechanism)
LPMLouisville Public Media (Louisville, KY)
LPMLinux Productivity Magazine
LPMLandless People's Movement (South Africa)
LPMLocal People Meter (media polling)
LPMLibrary of Parameterized Modules
LPMLaughs per Minute (humor)
LPMLivestock Production & Management (various organizations)
LPMLinear Probability Model
LPMLow Power Mode
LPMLaboratory Procedures Manual
LPMLaser Precision Microfabrication
LPMLatidos Por Minuto (Spanish)
LPMLaser Power Meter
LPMLateral Plate Mesoderm (genetics)
LPMLaboratoire de Physique de la Matière (French)
LPMLoss Prevention Manager
LPMLeadership Program for Musicians
LPMLegal Project Management
LPMLocal Position Measurement
LPMLow Pressure Molding
LPMLean Project Management
LPMLaboratoire de Production Microtechnique (French: Laboratory of Microengineering for Manufacturing)
LPMLaval Poincons & Matrices (Canada)
LPMLiquids, Powders and Machines (Spokane, WA)
LPMLembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia
LPMLines Per Millimeter (photography)
LPMLandslip Preventive Measures
LPMLaw on the Protection of Minors (China)
LPMLocal Policy Module
LPMLogit and Probit Models
LPMLaboratoire de Physique Moléculaire (French)
LPMLoop Performance Manager
LPMLandau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect
LPMLaboratorio de Prognosticos em Mesoescala (Portugese)
LPMLogical Product Model (AISC)
LPMLaser Profile Measuring
LPMLandless People Movement (Africa)
LPMLand and Property Management
LPMLunar Portable Magnetometer
LPMLANDesk Process Manager (Deployment Partners Inc)
LPMLocalization Probability Model
LPMLoisirs Provence Méditerranée (French)
LPMLow Power Magnetometer
LPMLimited Participation Model (economics)
LPMLaboratory for Process Measurement
LPMLeadership in Project Management
LPMLow Pressure Methanol
LPMLivestock and Poultry Management (university course)
LPMLinode Platform Manager
LPMLogical Process Manager
LPMLogos Prophetic Ministries
LPMLaser Precipitation Monitor
LPMLandscape Pest Management
LPMLandworks Property Management
LPMLibrary Planning Model
LPMLibrary Parameterized Modules
LPMLibrary Partitioning Module
LPMLine Processing Module
LPMLow Pressure Machines
LPMLoose Parts Monitor
LPMLinear Parameter Measurement
LPMLog Property Mapping
LPMLocalisation Project Manager
LPMVan der Looy Projektmanagement BV (The Netherlands)
LPMLife Performance of Materials (UK program)
LPMLitigation Products Manager
LPMLinn Productions Media
LPMLaser Process Manufacturing (Peabody, Massachusetts)
LPMleading proton model
LPMLindbjerg Plast and Metal (Denmark)
LPMLake Perry Marina (Kansas)
LPMLight Path Management (optical switching)
LPMLaboratoires Pharmacien Mehalla
LPMLinux Performance Measurement (Toolkit)
LPMLottery Pool Manager
LPMLifeline Port Module
LPMList Process Management
LPMLink Power Monitor
LPMLoss Projection Model
LPMLiberal Party of Manitoba
LPMLinear Pressure Module
LPMLong Pole Middie (lacrosse position)




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