membrana serosa


(se-rō'să), [TA] Do not confuse this word with cirrhosis or sclerosis.1. The outermost coat or serous layer of a visceral structure that lies in the body cavities of the abdomen or thorax; it consists of a surface layer of mesothelium reinforced by irregular fibroelastic connective tissue.
See also: chorion.
2. The outermost of the extraembryonic membranes that encloses the embryo and all its other membranes; it consists of somatopleure, that is, ectoderm reinforced by somatic mesoderm; the serosa of mammalian embryos is frequently called the trophoderm.
See also: chorion. Synonym(s): membrana serosa (2)
Synonym(s): tunica serosa [TA], serous coat ☆ , membrana serosa (1) , serous membrane, serous tunic [fem. of Mod. L. serosus, serous]

membrana serosa

(1) Chorion [[NE3]].
(2) Serosa; tunica serosa [NA6].


(kōr'ē-on) The multilayered, outermost fetal membrane consisting of extraembryonic somatic mesoderm, trophoblast, and, on the maternal surface, its villi are bathed by maternal blood; as pregnancy progresses, part of the villous chorion becomes the fetal part of placenta.
Synonym(s): membrana serosa (1) .
[G. chorion, membrane enclosing the fetus]


(sēr-ō'să) [TA] 1. The outermost coat or serous layer of a visceral structure that lies in a body cavity (abdomen or thorax); it consists of a surface layer of mesothelium reinforced by irregular fibroelastic connective tissue. 2. The outermost of the extraembryonic membranes, which encloses the embryo and all its other membranes; it consists of ectoderm reinforced by somatic mesoderm; the serosa of mammalian embryos is frequently called the trophoderm.
Synonym(s): membrana serosa (2) .
See also: chorion
Synonym(s): membrana serosa (1) , serous membrane.
[fem. of Mod. L. serosus, serous]