


O0111100 (ôr′dn-əns, ôr′dô-näNs′)n. The arrangement of elements in a literary or artistic composition or an architectural plan.
[French, variant of Old French ordenance, an arranging; see ordinance.]


(ˈɔːdənəns; French ɔrdɔnɑ̃s) n1. (Art Terms) the proper disposition of the elements of a building or an artistic or literary composition2. (Law) an ordinance, law, or decree, esp in French law[C17: from Old French ordenance arrangement, influenced by ordonner to order]


(ˈɔr dn əns; Fr. ɔr dɔˈnɑ̃s)

n., pl. -don•nanc•es (-dn ən sɪz; Fr. -dɔˈnɑ̃s) the arrangement or disposition of parts, as of a building, picture, or literary work. [1635–45; < French, alter. of Old French ordenance ordinance, by influence of donner to give]