Acronym | Definition |
AAL➣American Airlines |
AAL➣Art at the Library (Brighton Art Guild; Michigan) |
AAL➣Average Annual Loss (insurance) |
AAL➣Ankara Ataturk Lisesi (Turkish high school) |
AAL➣Ambient Assisted Living (Europe) |
AAL➣Add-A-Leaf (automotive modification) |
AAL➣Adelaide Airport Limited (Australia) |
AAL➣ATM Adaptation Layer |
AAL➣Alaska Airlines |
AAL➣Aborigines Advancement League (est. 1957; Australia) |
AAL➣Active Assisted Living (EU) |
AAL➣Advanced Academic Literacy |
AAL➣African American Language |
AAL➣Additional Adoption Leave (UK) |
AAL➣Animal Adoption League (est. 1992) |
AAL➣attorney at law |
AAL➣Animation Art Ltd. |
AAL➣Adelaide Airport Ltd. (Australia) |
AAL➣Aid Association for Lutherans |
AAL➣Australasian Association for Logic (Australia and New Zealand) |
AAL➣Animals as Leaders (band) |
AAL➣Anterior Axillary Line |
AAL➣Above Aerodrome Level |
AAL➣Asian Aviation Logistics (Bangkok, Thailand) |
AAL➣Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer |
AAL➣Australian Air League |
AAL➣Aalborg, Denmark - Aalborg (Airport Code) |
AAL➣Alloy Annotation Language |
AAL➣Acceptable Ambient Level |
AAL➣Anatomical Automatic Labeling (digital human brain atlas) |
AAL➣Association des Artistes Lorrains (French: Lorraine Artists' Association) |
AAL➣Aero Acoustic Levitation |
AAL➣Ames Aeronautical Laboratory |
AAL➣Acceptable Ambient Limit |
AAL➣Applied Action Level (environment) |
AAL➣Additional Authorizations List |
AAL➣Account Access Layer |
AAL➣Analog PSTN Access Line |
AAL➣Aircraft Approach Limitation |
AAL➣Academy of Asian Leaders |
AAL➣Active Alarm List |
AAL➣Application Adaption Layer |
AAL➣Authorized Allowance List |
AAL➣Assembly on American Literature |
AAL➣Arctic Aeromedical Lab (Fort Wainwright, AK) |
AAL➣Asociacion Ambientalista Llastay |
AAL➣Ateliers d'Art Liturgique (French: Liturgical Art Workshops) |
AAL➣Aircraft Assignment Letter |
AAL➣Association des Attachés Linguistiques (French: Association of Language Staff) |
AAL➣Asiana Air Lines |
AAL➣Anti-Acronym League |
AAL➣Arthur Alexander Leach (junior high school, Winnipeg, Canada) |
AAL➣Address Alignment Logic (computer science) |
AAL➣Atelier d'Astronomie de Limoges (Astronomical Workshop of Limoges- France) |
AAL➣Agence Alsace Lorraine (French real estate agency) |