alveolar-arterial oxygen difference

al·ve·o·lar-·ar·te·ri·al ox·y·gen dif·fer·ence

the difference or gradient between the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar spaces and the arterial blood: P(A-a)02. Normally in young adults this value is less than 20 mm Hg.
See also: alveolar gas equation.

al·ve·o·lar-ar·te·ri·al ox·y·gen dif·fer·ence

(al-vē'ŏ-lăr-ahr-tēr'ē-ăl ok'si-jĕn dif'ĕr-ĕns) The gradient between the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar spaces and the arterial blood: P(A-a)02. Normally, in young adults this value is less than 20 mmHg.