Mariia Iushnevskaia
Iushnevskaia, Mariia Kazimirovna
(maiden name, Kruglikovskaia). Born 1790; died 1863 in Kiev. Wife of the Decembrist A. P. Iushnevskii.
Iushnevskaia was the daughter of a nobleman. After the Decembrists received their sentences, she requested permission to follow her husband to Siberia; she was granted the permission on Jan. 4, 1829. From 1830 to 1839, having the status of the wife of an exiled prisoner, she lived in Petrovskii Zavod, where her husband was serving his sentence; she later moved to the village of Kuz’minskaia (near Irkutsk), and in 1841 she moved to the village of Malaia Razvodnaia, where she and her husband found employment as teachers.
After the death of her husband in 1844, Iushnevskaia was unable for many years to obtain permission to return to European Russia; she remained in Siberia until 1855.
Pokrovskii, V. I. Zheny dekabristov. Moscow, 1906.Pavliuchenko, E. A. V dobrovol’nom izgnanii. Moscow, 1976.