Marien Ngouabi

Ngouabi, Marien


Born Dec. 31, 1938, in Fort Rousset; died Mar. 18, 1977, in Brazzaville. Political figure in the People’s Republic of the Congo.

The son of a peasant, Ngouabi received a military education in Brazzaville and at a noncommissioned officers’ school in Strasbourg, France, and then entered the St. Cyr military academy. He returned to his homeland in 1962 and was stationed in Pointe Noire. After the revolutionary uprising of the popular masses in 1963, which led to the resignation of Abbé F. Youlou’s government, Ngouabi became commander of the Pointe Noire garrison. He later served as a commander of a parachute battalion during 1965–66 and as chief of a department of the General Staff of the Congolese Army in the summer of 1966.

Ngouabi was a member of the Central Committee of the National Movement of the Revolution from 1966 to 1968. After the resignation of Massamba-Debat’s government in August 1968, Ngouabi headed the newly created National Revolutionary Council. From 1969 he was chairman of the Central Committee of the Congolese Workers Party, president, chairman of the Council of State, and commander in chief of the Congolese Army. Murdered by terrorists. [17–1133–3; updated]