Lhasa, Treaty of 1904

Lhasa, Treaty of (1904)


a treaty imposed on Tibet by Great Britain, which invaded Tibet in 1903. The treaty was concluded in Lhasa on September 7 by representatives of the British government and by Tibetan officials. Under the agreement Great Britain obtained the right to conduct duty-free trade in Gyangtse, Gartok, and Yatung; the Tibetan authorities were not to permit representatives of any other power to enter Tibet without the consent of the British government; and Tibet was to pay Britain £500,000 sterling. Until the payment of the sum the Chumbi Valley was to be under British occupation. The treaty’s basic provisions were subsequently confirmed by the Chinese government in an agreement signed with Great Britain on Apr. 27, 1906.


Leont’ev, V. P. Inostrannaia ekspansiia v Tibete v 1888-1919 gg. Moscow, 1956. Pages 217-18.