Mariano Moreno

Moreno, Mariano


Born Sept. 3, 1778, in Buenos Aires; died Mar. 4, 1811. Argentine political and social figure, historian, and fighter for South America’s freedom from Spain.

As a leader of the Patriotic Junta, the first Argentine government formed after the victory of the May Revolution of 1810, Moreno advocated establishment of a republic, separation of church and state, and limitation on major landholdings. He also insisted on centralization of the country’s administration. But disputes within the junta forced Moreno to withdraw from it. In 1811 he was appointed ambassador to Great Britain, but died on the journey to London. The ideas expressed in Moreno’s essays and addresses became a call to revolution for many generations of Argentines.


Escritos politicos y economicos. Buenos Aires, 1915.