Nobility, Assembly of the
Nobility, Assembly of the
estate body of the nobility in Russia. The assemblies were established in the districts in 1766. Subsequently, provincial societies of the nobility and provincial assemblies of the nobility were founded.
The Law on the Administration of the Provinces of 1775 and the Charter of the Nobility of 1785 legalized the organizational structure of the nobility. Assemblies of the nobility were subdivided into provincial and district assemblies. General assemblies convened once every three years; special assemblies could be summoned more often, but only with the permission of the governor.
The provincial assemblies examined all matters and questions that affected the nobility as an estate and that were presented to them by the state authorities. One of the most important functions of the assemblies was the election of the members of the estate bodies of the nobility. The provincial assemblies of the nobility had the right to petition the governor, the minister of internal affairs, and, in cases of unusual importance, they might petition the tsar directly. However, the provincial assemblies were not allowed to consider questions involving the foundations of state structure. The district assemblies of the nobility convened three months prior to the provincial assemblies and examined matters affecting the district nobility as an estate. The assemblies of the nobility were abolished in 1917.