Acronym | Definition |
LFM➣ (music community website) |
LFM➣Looking for More |
LFM➣Logical Framework Matrix |
LFM➣Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) |
LFM➣Leaders for Manufacturing (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
LFM➣Linear Feet per Minute |
LFM➣Lateral Force Microscopy |
LFM➣La Familia Michoacana (Mexican drug cartel) |
LFM➣Linear Frequency Modulation |
LFM➣Looking for Member |
LFM➣Long for Man (travelling) |
LFM➣Looking For Men (gaming) |
LFM➣Low Frequency Microwave |
LFM➣Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages (International Workshop) |
LFM➣Lactose-Free Milk |
LFM➣Left-Arm Fast Medium (cricket) |
LFM➣Light Field Mapping (Intel) |
LFM➣Langley Formal Methods (NASA) |
LFM➣Load from Memory (computing) |
LFM➣Laufender Meter (German: Current Meter) |
LFM➣Liquid Flow Meter (Christian Bürkert GmbH & Co.; Germany) |
LFM➣Laboratório Farmacêutico da Marinha (Brasil) |
LFM➣Lycée Franco-Mexicain (Mexico) |
LFM➣Lars Friedrich Media (German media) |
LFM➣Lycée Français de Madrid (French: French School in Madrid) |
LFM➣Landing Force Manual |
LFM➣Last Full Month |
LFM➣Lean Forward Media (Beverly Hills, CA) |
LFM➣La Française de Maintenance (Vélizy, France) |
LFM➣Longmont Farmers Market (Longmont, Colorado) |
LFM➣Low Frequency Module |
LFM➣Last Friday of the Month |
LFM➣Life Frequency Modulation (radio station) |
LFM➣Linearized Fine Model |
LFM➣Lost and Found Ministries |
LFM➣Library File Maintenance |
LFM➣Local Fault Manager |
LFM➣Light-Flickering Mitigation |
LFM➣Light Form Modeler (laser scanner) |
LFM➣Liquid Factor Molten |
LFM➣Link Fault Management (operation and maintenance standard) |
LFM➣Liquid Fuel Maintenance |
LFM➣Loose Fruit Museum (band) |