LFMLast.fm (music community website)
LFMLooking for More
LFMLogical Framework Matrix
LFMLandesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany)
LFMLeaders for Manufacturing (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
LFMLinear Feet per Minute
LFMLateral Force Microscopy
LFMLa Familia Michoacana (Mexican drug cartel)
LFMLinear Frequency Modulation
LFMLooking for Member
LFMLong for Man (travelling)
LFMLooking For Men (gaming)
LFMLow Frequency Microwave
LFMLogical Frameworks and Meta-Languages (International Workshop)
LFMLactose-Free Milk
LFMLeft-Arm Fast Medium (cricket)
LFMLight Field Mapping (Intel)
LFMLangley Formal Methods (NASA)
LFMLoad from Memory (computing)
LFMLaufender Meter (German: Current Meter)
LFMLiquid Flow Meter (Christian Bürkert GmbH & Co.; Germany)
LFMLaboratório Farmacêutico da Marinha (Brasil)
LFMLycée Franco-Mexicain (Mexico)
LFMLars Friedrich Media (German media)
LFMLycée Français de Madrid (French: French School in Madrid)
LFMLanding Force Manual
LFMLast Full Month
LFMLean Forward Media (Beverly Hills, CA)
LFMLa Française de Maintenance (Vélizy, France)
LFMLongmont Farmers Market (Longmont, Colorado)
LFMLow Frequency Module
LFMLast Friday of the Month
LFMLife Frequency Modulation (radio station)
LFMLinearized Fine Model
LFMLost and Found Ministries
LFMLibrary File Maintenance
LFMLocal Fault Manager
LFMLight-Flickering Mitigation
LFMLight Form Modeler (laser scanner)
LFMLiquid Factor Molten
LFMLink Fault Management (operation and maintenance standard)
LFMLiquid Fuel Maintenance
LFMLoose Fruit Museum (band)