LFLLegends Football League (women's football; Las Vegas, NV)
LFLLittle Free Library (book exchange)
LFLLingerie Football League
LFLLearning for Life (Boy Scouts of America)
LFLLower Flammable Limit
LFLLeadership for Learning (various locations)
LFLLutherans for Life
LFLLong Flash (nautical/navigation)
LFLLike for Like (comparison of sales)
LFLLucasfilm Limited
LFLLoner for Life
LFLLooking for Love
LFLLoser for Life
LFLLot for Lot
LFLLibertarians for Life
LFLLady Foot Locker (est. 1982)
LFLLower Flammability Level
LFLLesbian Feminist Liberation
LFLLessons for Lizards (software documentation)
LFLLeft Fuel Level
LFLLined Flange (piping)
LFLLaying on the Floor Laughing
LFLLight Fighter Lethality (Army R&D program for course-correcting munition technology)
LFLLow Female Literacy (education statistics)
LFLLover for Life
LFLLoser Football League