Arnold Neibut

Neibut, Arnol’d Iakovlevich


(pseudonym of Arnol’d Ekabovich Neibut; Latvian name, Arnolds Neibuts). Born Nov. 6 (18), 1889, in the volost (small rural district) of Mezotne, present-day Bauska Raion, Latvian SSSR; died Feb. 8, 1919, in Omsk. Participant in the revolutionary movement in Russia. Became a member of the Communist Party in 1905. Son of a peasant.

Neibut fought in the Revolution of 1905–07 in Mitava (now Jelgava) and Riga. He engaged in party work in Baku in 1908 and in Omsk in 1910. In 1912 he emigrated to the USA, where he was a member of the Russian section of the Socialist Party of America. In 1917, Neibut was chairman of the Vladivostok committee of the RSDLP and a member of the Far East Krai Bureau of the RSDLP (Bolshevik) and of the Vladivostok soviet. He was a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in Petrograd in 1918 and a delegate to the Seventh Congress of the RCP (B). Neibut was chairman of the underground city committee of the party in Omsk and chairman of the Siberian Oblast committee of the RCP (B). One of the organizers of the uprisings against the Kolchak forces in December 1918 and February 1919, he was arrested and shot by White Guards.


Shlevko, G. “A. E. Neibut.” In Vechnaia slava. Moscow, 1967.