Korínek, Josef Miloslav
Kořínek, Josef Miloslav
Born Jan. 10, 1899, in Nové Město (nad Váhem), Moravia; died Aug. 24, 1945, in Bratislava. Czech linguist; representative of the Prague school of linguistics. Professor at the University of Bratislava (1939).
Kořínek was a specialist in structural linguistics and comparative Indo-European linguistics; he concerned himself with the study of Common Slavic (From the Indo-European Parent Language to Common Slavic, 1948) and the etymology of the Slavic languages.
Úvod do jazyka slovenského. Velké Mezirřcíř, 1927.Studie z oblasti onomatopoje. Prague, 1934.
“Die Herkunft des Karpatennamens und was damit zusammenhängt.” Carpatica Slovaca, vols. 1-2. Bratislava, 1943-44.
Uvoddojazykospytu. Bratislava, 1948.