

单词 melioidosis




M0206500 (mĕl′ē-oi-dō′sĭs)n. An infectious disease caused by the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei, occurring in a wide range of animals chiefly in Southeast Asia and presenting in humans with a focal infection, usually of the lungs, bones, or skin, that can become chronic.
[New Latin mēlioīdōsis : Greek mēlis, a disease of asses usually taken to be glanders + -oid + -osis.]




[‚mel·ē‚ȯi′dō·səs] (veterinary medicine) An endemic bacterial disease, primarily of rodents but occasionally communicable to humans, caused by Pseudomonas pseudomallei and characterized by infectious granulomas.



(pneumoenteritis, pseudoglanders), an acute infectious zoonotic disease.

The causative agent of melioidosis is the microorganism Malleomyces pseudomallei, which is similar to the glanders bacillus in antigenic and morphological properties and is pathogenic for rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, dogs, and sheep. Rats, the main reservoir of infection, excrete the causative agent with their urine and feces. Under natural conditions, melioidosis is transmitted from animal to animal by the ingestion of food infected with the discharges of the diseased rats.

Melioidosis is found in Southeast Asia, Australia, and Madagascar. Cases have occurred in the USA, Indonesia, and the Philippine Islands. No verifiable cases of melioidosis in man have been recorded on the territory of the USSR. Infection from humans affected with the disease has not been observed. Melioidosis is transmitted from sick animals through food or water. The condition is manifested by diverse symptoms resembling those of glanders, plague, cholera, and certain other diseases. Preventive measures include exterminating rats and protecting food products and drinking water from contamination with the excretions of diseased animals. Hospitalization of the patient is imperative. The focus of the disease should be disinfected.


Melioidosis in animals may be acute, subacute, or chronic. In sheep and goats symptoms of the disease include cough, polyarthritis, and affection of the prescapular lymph nodes. In dogs, cats, and rodents, symptoms include diarrhea, purulent conjunctivitis, vaginitis, and rhinitis, with the formation of irregularly shaped ulcers and abscessed lymph nodes. Cachexia develops. Diagnosis of the condition is made on the basis of the clinical symptoms, autopsy, and bacteriological examination. A specific course of treatment has not yet been developed, and attempts to cure the diseased animals have proved ineffective.

Melioidosis can be prevented in animals by exterminating rodents, the principal natural reservoir of the infection. When an animal is suspected of having contracted the disease, it should be isolated and subjected to bacteriological examination. If the condition is confirmed, the animal should be killed and cremated, with care taken to avoid infection.


Epizootologiia. Edited by R. F. Sosov. Moscow, 1969.
Rudnev, G. P. Antropozoonozy. Moscow, 1970.






Melioidosis is an infectious disease of humans and animals caused by a gram-negative bacillus found in soil and water. It has both acute and chronic forms.


Melioidosis, which is sometimes called Pseudomonas pseudomallei infection, is endemic (occurring naturally and consistently) in Southeast Asia, Australia, and parts of Africa. It was rare in the United States prior to recent immigration from Southeast Asia. Melioidosis is presently a public health concern because it is most common in AIDS patients and intravenous drug users.

Causes and symptoms

Melioidosis is caused by Pseudomonas pseudomallei, a bacillus that can cause disease in sheep, goats, pigs, horses, and other animals, as well as in humans. The organism enters the body through skin abrasions, burns, or wounds infected by contaminated soil; inhalation of dust; or by eating food contaminated with P. pseudomallei. Person-to-person transmission is unusual. Drug addicts acquire the disease from shared needles. The incubation period is two to three days.Chronic melioidosis is characterized by osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone) and pus-filled abscesses in the skin, lungs, or other organs. Acute melioidosis takes one of three forms: a localized skin infection that may spread to nearby lymph nodes; an infection of the lungs associated with high fever (102°F/38.9°C), headache, chest pain, and coughing; and septicemia (blood poisoning) characterized by disorientation, difficulty breathing, severe headache, and an eruption of pimples on the head or trunk. The third form is most common among drug addicts and may be rapidly fatal.


Melioidosis is usually suspected based on the patient's history, especially travel, occupational exposure to infected animals, or a history of intravenous drug. Diagnosis must then be confirmed through laboratory tests. P. pseudomallei can be cultured from samples of the patient's sputum, blood, or tissue fluid from abscesses. Blood tests, including complement fixation (CF) tests and hemagglutination tests, also help to confirm the diagnosis. In acute infections, chest x rays and liver function tests are usually abnormal.


Patients with mild or moderate infections are given a course of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) and ceftazidime by mouth. Patients with acute melioidosis are given a lengthy course of ceftazidime followed by TMP/SMX. In patients with acute septicemia, a combination of antibiotics is administered intravenously, usually tetracycline, chloramphenicol, and TMP/SMX.


The mortality rate in acute cases of pulmonary melioidosis is about 10%; the mortality rate for the septicemic form is significantly higher (slightly above 50%). The prognosis for recovery from mild infections is excellent.


There is no form of immunization for melioidosis. Prevention requires prompt cleansing of scrapes, burns, or other open wounds in areas where the disease is common and avoidance of needle sharing among drug addicts.



Pollock, Matthew. "Infections Due to Pseudomonas Species and Related Organisms." In Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, edited by Anthony S. Fauci, et al. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Key terms

Osteomyelitis — An inflammation of bone or bone marrow, often caused by bacterial infections. Chronic melioidosis may cause osteomyelitis.Septicemia — Bacterial infection of the bloodstream. One form of melioidosis is an acute septicemic infection.


 [mel″e-oi-do´sis] a glanderslike disease of rodents, caused by Pseudomonas pseudomallei and occasionally transmitted to humans; it is most commonly seen in China and Southeast Asia. Two forms are noted in humans: the acute form is characterized by pulmonary, liver, and spleen involvement with septicemia; and the chronic form leads to osteomyelitis and formation of abscesses and fistulas.


(mel'ē-oy-dō'sis), An infectious disease of rodents in India and Southeast Asia that is caused by Pseudomonas pseudomallei and is communicable to humans. The characteristic lesion is a small caseous nodule, found generally throughout the body, which breaks down into an abscess; symptoms vary according to the tracts or organs involved. Synonym(s): pseudoglanders, Whitmore disease [G. mēlis, a distemper of asses, + eidos, resemblance, + -osis, condition]


(mĕl′ē-oi-dō′sĭs)n. An infectious disease caused by the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei, occurring in a wide range of animals chiefly in Southeast Asia and presenting in humans with a focal infection, usually of the lungs, bones, or skin, that can become chronic.


A tropical infection, primarily of rats, by Pseudomonas pseudomallei, an aerobic gram-negative bacillus found in wells and stagnant waters. Epizootic infection occurs in sheep, goats and pigs; human infection is water-borne, transmitted via the skin or by inhalation, most commonly in Southeast Asia. The latency period is long, lasting up to 26 years; it is estimated that 225,000 veterans of the Vietnam conflict have subclinical melioidosis.
Clinical findings
Asymptomatic to fulminant sepsis with multiple abscesses in liver, spleen and lungs, resolving as granulomas. Mortality without antibiotics, 90%; with antibiotics 50%. High fever, chills, tachypnoea, myalgia; chronic form has a ±10% mortality and is characterised by an intermittent, TB-like pneumonia, lung cavitation and chronic drainage. 
Third-generation cephalosporins, ceftazadime; also tetracycline, chloramphenicol and aminoglycosides.


Pseudoglanders A tropical infection primarily of rats by Pseudomonas pseudomallei, an aerobic gram-negative bacillus found in wells and stagnant waters; epizootic infection occurs in sheep, goats, pigs; human infection is water-borne, transmitted via the skin or by inhalation, most commonly in Southeast Asia; Clinical Asymptomatic to fulminant sepsis with multiple abscesses in liver, spleen, lungs, resolving as granulomas–mortality without antibiotics, 90%; with antibiotics 50%, high fever, chills, tachypnea, myalgia; chronic form has a ±10% mortality and is characterized by an intermittent, TB-like pneumonia, lung cavitation, chronic drainage Treatment 3rd-generation cephalosporins, ceftazadime, also tetracycline, chloramphenicol, aminoglycosides


A severe infection caused by Pseudomonas pseudomallei acquired through skin abrasions. The disease features high fever, prostration and multiple abscesses in the liver, lungs and spleen with PNEUMONIA and other severe effects. Early treatment with large doses of TETRACYCLINE antibiotics and CHLORAMPHENICOL may save life, but treatment must be continued for weeks or months.


Alfred, English surgeon, 1876-1946. Whitmore bacillus - a species found in cases of melioidosis in humans and other animals and in soil and water in tropical regions. Synonym(s): Pseudomonas pseudomalleiWhitmore disease - an infectious disease of rodents in India and Southeast Asia that is caused by Pseudomonas pseudomallei and is communicable to humans. Synonym(s): melioidosis




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