Koroliuk, Vladimir

Koroliuk, Vladimir Dorofeevich


Born Feb. 28, 1921, in Kutaisi. Soviet historian. Doctor of historical sciences (1965).

Koroliuk graduated from Moscow State University in 1943. In 1965 he was appointed head of a section at the Institute of Slavic and Balkan Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and assistant editor in chief of the journal Sovetskoe Slavianovedenie (Soviet Slavic Studies). Koroliuk’s principal works are devoted to the emergence of the Slavic and eastern Romance peoples, to the development of feudal relations and states among the eastern and western Slavs, to the history of international relations in the early feudal period in Central and Eastern Europe, to the history of Russo-Polish relations from the 16th to the 18th centuries, to the history of Slavic-German relations, and to the history of Slavic studies in the USSR. Koroliuk wrote a number of chapters for the collaborative History of Poland (vols. 1-3, 1954—56) and History of Czechoslovakia (vols. 1-2, 1956-59) and served on the editorial board of these publications.


Livonskaia voina. Moscow, 1954.
Drevnepol’skoe gosudarstvo. Moscow, 1957.
Zapadnye slaviane i Kievskaia Rus’ v X-XI vv. Moscow, 1964.
Polska i Rosija a wojna pótnocha. Warsaw, 1954.