low molecular weight heparins

low molecular weight heparins

Heparins that can be isolated from standard heparin by differential precipitation with ethyl alcohol or by gel filtration chromatography or other means. These heparins differ in their mode of action and pharmacological and immunological properties from normal heparin and are useful in cases in which side effects such as heparin-induced THROMBOCYTOPENIA have occurred. They have advantages over heparin in the treatment of venous thrombosis. They bind much less avidly to heparin-binding proteins than does heparin. This increases their bioavailability at low doses and makes their anticoagulant response more predictable. The group includes certoparin (Alphaparin), dalteparin sodium (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Clexane), reviparin sodium (Clivarine) and tinzaparin (Innohep).