Milne, Edward Arthur

Milne, Edward Arthur


Born Feb. 14, 1896, in Hull; died Sept. 21, 1950, in Dublin. British astrophysicist.

Milne graduated from Cambridge University in 1920. He was appointed a professor at the University of Manchester in 1925 and at Oxford University in 1928.

Milne studied the radiative transfer of energy in stars, the ionization of matter in stellar atmospheres, the darkening of the sun’s disk at its limb in various spectral regions, and the structure of the upper layers of the earth’s atmosphere. He also studied the theory of the dissipation of planetary atmospheres, the ejection of fast particles from the sun, and the internal structure of stars. Milne developed the kinematic variant of the general theory of relativity to explain the red shift in the spectra of galaxies.


McRea, W. H. “Edward Arthur Milne” (obituary). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1951, no. 2.