

单词 bip
释义 DictionarySeebitcoin



An incorrect singular of BIPS. One billion instructions persecond is 1 BIPS, not 1 BIP.


(Bitcoin Improvement Proposal) The primary mechanism for proposing new features to the Bitcoin cryptocurrency system. Standards Track BIPs define changes to the network protocol, while Process BIPs propose changes outside the Bitcoin protocol. Informational BIPs mention design issues and guidelines. See Bitcoin.



Abbreviation for:
bacterial intravenous protein
behavioural intervention plan
Bezafibrate Infarction Prevention study
bismuth iodoform paraffin
biparietal diameter, see there
bleomycin, ifosfamide, platinol (a chemotherapy regimen)
Books In Print
bronchiolitis obliterans with usual interstitial pneumonitis
Clinical trials
Bezafibrate Infarction Prevention study. A trial that asked whether increasing HDL-C and reducing triglycerides (TGs) using bezafibrate would reduce acute MIs and sudden death linked to coronary atherosclerosis.
With bezafibrate, HDL-C increased by 18%, TGs decreased by 21%; acute MIs or sudden death occurred in 14% of bezafibrate patients vs 15% of placebo patients; in patients with high baseline TGs, there was a 40% reduction in cumulative probability of MI or sudden death in bezafibrate patients.
Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled; 3090 patients—1548 bezafibrate, 1542 placebo, mean age 60, with previous MI or stable angina and a certain lipid profile.
BIP enrollee lipid profile
Total serum cholesterol 180–250 mg/dl, HDL-C ≤ 45 mg/ dl, TGs ≤ 300 mg/dl and LDL-C ≤ 180 mg/dl or ≤ 160 mg/dl for patients < age 50.


BIPBiuletyn Informacji Publicznej (Poland)
BIPBruttoinlandsprodukt (German: Gross Domestic Product)
BIPBuilt In Place (Sprint)
BIPBrandes Investment Partners (San Diego, CA)
BIPBusiness Integration Partners (Italy)
BIPBinding Protein
BIPBrookfield Infrastructure Partners (various locations)
BIPBehavior Intervention Plan
BIPBe in Peace
BIPBitcoin Improvement Proposal (digital currency)
BIPBasic Imaging Profile
BIPBuilt-In Profit
BIPBlow In Place (EOD Term)
BIPBroadband Initiatives Program (USDA)
BIPBooks In Print
BIPBase Interruptible Program
BIPBit Interleaved Parity
BIPBit Interface Parity
BIPBegin of Injection Period
BIPBroadcast over Ip
BIPBase Station Ip
BIPBuffering in Process
BIPBee Informed Partnership
BIPBorder Inspection Post (UK)
BIPBit-Interleaved Parity (Check)
BIPBusiness Information Portal
BIPBand Interleaved by Pixel
BIPBuilding Incentive Program
BIPBorder Industrialization Program (Mexico)
BIPImmunoglobulin Heavy Chain-Binding Protein
BIPBlood in Peace
BIPBall in Paradise
BIPBronchointerstitial Pneumonia
BIPBreak in Process
BIPball in play (various sports)
BIPBusiness Intelligence Portal
BIPBatterers Intervention Program
BIPBorder Infrastructure Program (Canada)
BIPBreaker Interface Panel (Nortel)
BIPBreaker Interface Panel
BIPBusiness Improvement Process
BIPBusiness Information Publications
BIPBinary Integer Programming (mathematics)
BIPBearer Independent Protocol
BIPBinary Input
BIPBroadcast Incremental Power
BIPBasler IP Camera
BIPBlow In Place (Army)
BIPBrigade d'Intervention Poétique (French: Poetic Intervention Brigade)
BIPBreaking Into Print (writing course)
BIPBatamindo Industrial Park
BIPBiologie Intégrative et Physiologie (French: Integrative Biology and Physiology)
BIPBulletin de l'Industrie Pétrolière (French: Oil Industry Newsletter)
BIPBotswana Independence Party
BIP2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (also seen as 2010 BIP or 2010BIP)
BIPBlood Is Power (gaming, Guild Wars)
BIPBasic Interface for Parallelism
BIPBonneau International Poney (French pony show)
BIPBanana Improvement Project
BIPBelgians in Paris (cultural association; Paris, France)
BIPBananas in Pajamas (TV show)
BIPBlack Iron Pipe
BIPBulletin d'Informations Proustiennes (French: Proustian News Bulletin)
BIPBinary Image Processor
BIPBroker Identity Program (Canada)
BIPBattlefield Interoperability Program
BIPBicyclette Perpignan (French cycling program)
BIPBinary Interaction Parameter
BIPBackground Information Package
BIPBorder Interconnection Percentage (telecommunications)
BIPBilling Interconnection Percentage
BIPBusiness Intelligence Pipeline (newsletter)
BIPBudget Increment Package
BIPBulletins d'Informations de Pharmacologie (French: Pharmacology News Bulletin)
BIPBasic Interoperability Protocol
BIPBattlefield Imaging Projectile
BIPBandwidth Isolation Property
BIPBond Insurance Program (trade; UK)
BIPBounded Intensity Process
BIPBase Information Protect/Protection
BIPBenjamin International Production (French music production company)
BIPBoth Arrays Fed In-Phase (antennas)
BIPBeam-Image Profiling
BIPBoat Inflation Point
BIPBlocking Island Paradigm (Zhemin/Hamdi)
BIPBusiness Insider Program
BIPBuddy Instructor Pilot
BIPButler Immersion Programme (England)
BIPBrief In Progress




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