Nanophyetes Infection

Nanophyetes Infection


a helminthic disease of the trematodan type affecting humans and caused by the parasitic worm Nanophyetes salmincola schikhobalovi. When sexually mature, the causative agent parasitizes the small intestine of man, dogs, and cats. The intermediate host is the mollusk Semisulcospira leavigaia; supplementary hosts are tish, such as the graylings (genus Thymatlus), the lenok (Brachymystax lenok), and the taimen (Hucho taimen). Humans are infected by eating raw or undercooked fish. Nanophyetes infection proceeds with the symptoms of enteritis. Treatment involves the administering of antihelminthics, such as quinacrine or extract of lady fern (Athyrium felix-femina). Adequate thermal processing of edible fish is the preventive measure against nanophyetes infection.