Lev Petrovich Nikolaev

Nikolaev, Lev Petrovich


Born Jan. 28 (Feb. 9), 1898, in Taganrog; died Dec. 10, 1954, in Kharkov. Soviet anthropologist and anatomist. Doctor of medical sciences; professor from 1935.

Nikolaev graduated from the natural sciences division of the University of Paris in 1916 and from the Kharkov Medical Institute in 1920. From 1924 to 1936 he was chairman of the department of anatomy at the University of Kharkov, and from 1929 he headed the biomechanics division of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology in Kharkov. Nikolaev was a specialist in biomechanics and prosthetics.

From 1923 to 1927, together with his students Nikolaev carried out a large-scale anthropological study of the dynamics of physical development among the people of the Left-bank Ukraine (see Materials on Ukrainian Anthropology, collections 1–4, Kharkov, 1926–29). Nikolaev developed a scientifically standardized system of clothing and footwear sizes. He also invented several anthropometric instruments.


Antropometricheskie materialy dlia izgotovleniia standartnoi obuvi. Kharkov, 1931.
Rukovodstvo po biomekhanike v primenenii k ortopedii, travmatologii i protezirovaniiu. Kiev, 1947.
Biomekhanicheskie osnovy protezirovaniia. Moscow, 1954.