NFPCNational Federation of Priests' Councils
NFPCNational Farm Products Council (Canada)
NFPCNetwork Forensics Puzzle Contest
NFPCNikon Forum Photo Contest
NFPCNonstructural/Flood Proofing Committee (US Army)
NFPCNorth Fraser Pretrial Centre (Canada)
NFPCNorthfield Precision Instrument Corp. (Island Park, NY)
NFPCNational Federation of Presbyteral Councils (Canada)
NFPCNational Fluid Power Centre (est. 2000; UK)
NFPCNational Fire and Civil Emergency Preparedness Council (Singapore)
NFPCNational Floor Preparation Centres Ltd. (UK)
NFPCNürnberger Frühjahrssymposium Plastische Chirurgie (German: Nuremberg Spring Symposium of Plastic Surgery)
NFPCNational Federation of Pachyderm Clubs (Cape Girardeau, MO)
NFPCNational Film Promotion Council (est. 2005)
NFPCNeural Fold Protocadherin
NFPCNot-for-Profit Council
NFPCNeurofibromatosis Preclinical Consortium (Children's Tumor Foundation)
NFPCNational Farmers Protection Committee (India)
NFPCNuclear Free Philippines Coalition
NFPCNational Federation of Pakistani-Canadians (est. 1982; Canada)
NFPCNational Food Products Company (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
NFPCNational Fire Prevention Council (Nevada City, CA)
NFPCNaval Foundry and Propeller Center (Philadelphia Naval Business Center; Pennsylvania)
NFPCNational Family Planning Council (Zimbabwe)
NFPCNational Franchisee Purchasing Co-Operative (est. 1995)
NFPCNational Federation of Progressive Co-operators (UK)
NFPCNorthfork Promotion Council, Inc. (Greenport, NY)
NFPCNorthfield Parish Church Aberdeen (UK)