Levitskii, Oleg Dmitrievich

Levitskii, Oleg Dmitrievich


Born Mar. 6 (19), 1909, in St. Petersburg; died Jan. 24, 1961, in Moscow. Soviet geologist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1953).

Levitskii graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Mines in 1930. He did geological exploration and analysis work in Transbaikalia, the northeastern USSR, and the Far East. In 1938 he began work at the Institute of Geological Sciences of the USSR, and in 1956 at the Institute of the Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrology, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. His principal research was devoted to tungsten and tin deposits. In 1946, Levitskii received the State Prize of the USSR. In addition, he was awarded two orders and various medals.


Vol’framovye mestorozhdeniia Vostochnogo Zabaikal’ia. Moscow-Leningrad, 1939. (Mestorozhdenie redkikh i malykh metallov SSSR; vol. 2.)
“Mestorozhdeniia kassiteritovo-kvartsevoi formatsii.” In Trudy in-ta geologicheskikh nauk AN SSSR, fasc. 82. Moscow, 1947.
“K voprosu o znachenii kolloidnykh rastvorov pri rudootlozhenii.” In the collection Osnovnye problemy v uchenii o magmatogennykh rudnykh mestorozhdeniiakh. Moscow, 1953.


Betekhtin, A. G. [et al.]. “Oleg Dmitrievich Levitskii.” Geologiia rudnykh mestorozhdenii, 1961, no. 2.
Godlevskii, M. N. “Oleg Dmitrievich Levitskii.” Zapiski Vsesoiuznogo Mineralogicheskogo obshchestva, 1961, vol. 90, fasc. 3.