Leviné, Eugen Evgenii
Leviné, Eugen (Evgenii)
Born May 23, 1883, in St. Petersburg; died June 5, 1919, in Munich. Figure in the German workers’ movement.
Before World War I, Leviné belonged to the left wing of the Social Democratic Party. During the war years, he worked energetically in the Spartacus League. He was active in the revolution of November 1918 and the uprising of January 1919. He was a delegate to the Founding Congress of the Communist Party of Germany (Dec. 30, 1918-Jan. 1, 1919). After the Bavarian Soviet Republic was proclaimed, Leviné headed its Executive Council (the supreme executive body). After the Bavarian Soviet Republic was crushed, he was shot by sentence of a field court-martial.
In Russian translation:Rech’ pered sudom, vospominaniia, nabroski. Moscow, 1927.
Zastenker, N. Bavarskaia Sovetskaia Respublika. Moscow, 1934.Poltavskii, M. A. Bavarskaia Sovetskaia Respublika. Moscow, 1959.