释义 |
nano-pref.1. often nanno- Extremely small: nannoplankton.2. One billionth (10-9): nanosecond. [Greek nānos, nannos, little old man, dwarf, from nannās, uncle.]nano- combining form 1. (Units) denoting 10–9: nanosecond. Symbol: n 2. indicating extreme smallness: nanoplankton. [from Latin nānus dwarf, from Greek nanos]nano- a combining form with the meaning “very small, minute” (nanoplankton; nanotube); in the names of units of measure it has the specific sense “one billionth,” or 10−9 (nanomole; nanosecond), and can refer specifically to a scale measured in nanometers (nanotechnology). Also, nanno-.[comb. form representing Greek nânos, nánnos dwarf]nano-1. A prefix that means:2. One billionth, as in nanosecond, one billionth of a second.3. Very small or at a microscopic level, as in nanotube.nano-A prefix meaning one billionth (10-9). 1 nanometer = 1 billionth of a meter.Translationsnano-
nano- Symbol: n. A prefix to a unit, indicating a fraction of 10–9 of that unit. For example, one nanometer (symbol: nm) is 10–9 meters.nano-[′nan·ō] (biology) A prefix meaning dwarfed. (mathematics) A prefix representing 10-9, which is 0.000000001 or one-billionth of the unit adjoined. nano-/nan'oh/ 1. A prefix meaning 10^-9 or one billionth.
Used loosely to mean "small", e.g. nanotechnology, or(rarely), following "nanosecond", to mean a short time,e.g. "I'll be with you in a nano".nano-
nano-1. Combining form relating to dwarfism (nanism). 2. Prefix used in the SI and metric systems to signify submultiples of one billionth (10-9). [G. nanos, dwarf] nano- (n)1. Prefix meaning dwarfism (nanism). 2. Prefix used in the SI and metric system to signify one billionth (10-9). [G. nanos, dwarf]nano- Prefix denoting one thousand millionth (one billionth).nano- prefix denoting small or smallest.NANO-
Acronym | Definition |
NANO-➣Prefix for 10 to the -9th Power |