

单词 melancholy



M0202900 (mĕl′ən-kŏl′ē)n.1. Sadness or depression of the spirits; gloom.2. Pensive reflection or contemplation.3. Archaic a. Black bile.b. An emotional state characterized by sullenness and outbreaks of violent anger, believed to arise from an excess of black bile.adj.1. Feeling, showing, or expressing depression of the spirits; sad or dejected. See Synonyms at sad.2. Causing or tending to cause sadness or gloom: a letter with some melancholy news.3. Pensive; thoughtful.
[Middle English malencolie, melancolie, from Old French, from Late Latin melancholia, from Greek melankholiā : melās, melan-, black + kholē, bile; see ghel- in Indo-European roots.]
mel′an·chol′i·ly adv.mel′an·chol′i·ness n.


(ˈmɛlənkəlɪ) n, pl -cholies1. a constitutional tendency to gloominess or depression2. a sad thoughtful state of mind; pensiveness3. (Psychology) archaic a. a gloomy character, thought to be caused by too much black bileb. one of the four bodily humours; black bile. See humour8adjcharacterized by, causing, or expressing sadness, dejection, etc[C14: via Old French from Late Latin melancholia, from Greek melankholia, from melas black + kholē bile] melancholily adv ˈmelanˌcholiness n


(ˈmɛl ənˌkɒl i)

n., pl. -chol•ies,
adj. n. 1. a gloomy state of mind; dejection. 2. thoughtfulness; pensiveness. 3. a. a condition of depression and irritability formerly attributed to an excess of black bile. b. black bile. adj. 4. affected with melancholy; depressed: a melancholy mood. 5. causing melancholy. 6. thoughtful; pensive. [1275–1325; Middle English < Late Latin melancholia < Greek melancholía condition of having black bile =melan- melan- + chol(ḗ) bile + -ia -ia]


  • elegiac - Can mean "melancholy, mournful."
  • brown study - Gloomy meditation or melancholy is known as being in a brown study.
  • hypochondria - First referred to the upper abdomen and the organs under the ribs (liver, gall bladder, spleen)—thought to be the source of melancholy.
  • tristful - Means "full of melancholy or sadness."


See also attitudes; moods
lypemaniaan abnormal tendency toward deep melancholy.melancholiaa condition of abnormal gloom or depression, of ten of an intensity to become a form of insanity. — melancholiac, n., adj. — melancholie, n., adj.melancholy1. black bile, one of the four bodily humors, formerly believed to be the cause of gloom, ill temper, and depression.
2. melancholia.
3. a pensive, contemplative mood.
4. Obsolete, ill temper. — melancholiac, n., adj. — melancholie, n., adj.
Noun1.melancholy - a feeling of thoughtful sadnessmelancholy - a feeling of thoughtful sadness sadness, unhappiness - emotions experienced when not in a state of well-beinggloom, gloominess, somberness, sombreness - a feeling of melancholy apprehensionheavyheartedness - a feeling of dispirited melancholypensiveness, brooding - persistent morbid meditation on a problemWeltschmerz, world-weariness - sadness on thinking about the evils of the world
2.melancholy - a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depresseddepression - a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity
3.melancholy - a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the kidneys or spleen and to cause sadness and melancholyblack bilebodily fluid, body fluid, liquid body substance, humour, humor - the liquid parts of the body
Adj.1.melancholy - characterized by or causing or expressing sadnessmelancholy - characterized by or causing or expressing sadness; "growing more melancholy every hour"; "her melancholic smile"; "we acquainted him with the melancholy truth"melancholicsad - experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness; "feeling sad because his dog had died"; "Better by far that you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad"- Christina Rossetti
2.melancholy - grave or even gloomy in character; "solemn and mournful music"; "a suit of somber black"; "a somber mood"somber, sombrecheerless, depressing, uncheerful - causing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy; "the economic outlook is depressing"; "something cheerless about the room"; "a moody and uncheerful person"; "an uncheerful place"


adjective1. sad, down, depressed, unhappy, low, blue, miserable, moody, gloomy, dismal, sombre, woeful, glum, mournful, dejected, despondent, dispirited, melancholic, downcast, lugubrious, pensive, sorrowful, disconsolate, joyless, doleful, downhearted, heavy-hearted, down in the dumps (informal), woebegone, down in the mouth, low-spirited It was at this time of day that he felt most melancholy.
sad happy, cheerful, bright, glad, lively, sunny, jolly, merry, joyous, joyful, blithe, gay, light-hearted
noun1. sadness, depression, misery, gloom, sorrow, woe, blues, unhappiness, despondency, the hump (Brit. informal), dejection, low spirits, gloominess, pensiveness He watched the process with an air of melancholy.
sadness delight, pleasure, joy, happiness, gladness


nounA feeling or spell of dismally low spirits:blues, dejection, depression, despondence, despondency, doldrums, dolefulness, downheartedness, dumps, dysphoria, funk, gloom, glumness, heavy-heartedness, mope (used in plural), mournfulness, sadness, unhappiness.adjective1. In low spirits:blue, dejected, depressed, desolate, dispirited, down, downcast, downhearted, dull, dysphoric, gloomy, heavy-hearted, low, melancholic, sad, spiritless, tristful, unhappy, wistful.Idiom: down at the mouth.2. Tending to cause sadness or low spirits:blue, cheerless, depressing, dismal, dispiriting, gloomy, joyless, sad.


(ˈmelənkəli) noun depression or sadness. He was overcome by a feeling of melancholy. 憂鬱 忧郁 adjective sad; showing or causing sadness. melancholy eyes. 憂鬱的,傷感的 忧郁的,悲伤的,令人伤感的



Archaica. a gloomy character, thought to be caused by too much black bile b. one of the four bodily humours; black bile


See also Grief.Acheronriver of woe in the underworld. [Gk. Myth.: Howe, 5]Anatomy of Melancholylists causes, symptoms, and characteristics of melancholy. [Br. Lit.: Anatomy of Melancholy]Barton, Amosbeset by woes. [Br. Lit.: “Sad Fortunes of Amos Barton” in Walsh Modern, 45]black bilehumor effecting temperament of gloominess. [Medieval Physiology: Hall, 130]bluesmelancholy, bittersweet music born among American Negroes. [Am. Music: Scholes, 113]Cargill, Rev. Josiahserious, moody, melancholic minister. [Br. Lit.: St. Ronan’s Well]Carstone, Richarddriven to gloom by collapse of expectations. [Br. Lit.: Bleak House]cave of Trophoniusoracle so awe-inspiring, consulters never smiled again. [Gk. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 1103]Eeyoreamusingly gloomy, morose donkey. [Children’s Lit.: Winnie-the-Pooh]Elegy Written in a Country Churchyardmeditative poem of a melancholy mood. [Br. Lit.: Harvey, 266]Ellis Islandimmigration center where many families were separated; “isle of tears.” [Am. Hist.: Flexner, 193]Gummidge, Mrs.“lone lorn creetur” with melancholy disposition. [Br. Lit.: David Copperfield]Hamletblack mood dominates his consciousness. [Brit. Lit.: Shakespeare Hamlet]hareflesh brings melancholy to those who eat it. [Animal Symbolism: Mercatante, 125]Il Penserosopoem celebrating the pleasures of melancholy and solitude. [Br. Lit.: Milton Il Penseroso in Magill IV, 577]Jaques“can suck melancholy out of a song.” [Br. Lit.: As You Like It]Mock Turtleforever weeping and bemoaning his fate. [Br. Lit.: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland]Mudvilleno joy here when Casey struck out. [Am. Sports Lit.: “Casey at the Bat” in Turlin, 642]Orpheuscomposed, sang many melancholic songs in memory of deceased Eurydice. [Gk. Myth.: Orpheus and Eurydice, Magill I, 700–701]Roquentin, Antoinediscomfited by his existence’s purposelessness, solitarily despairs. [Fr. Lit.: Nausea]Sad Sackhapless and helpless soldier; resigned to his fate. [Comics: Horn, 595–596]Valley of the Shadow of Deathlife’s gloominess. [O.T.: Psalms 23:4]Wednesday’schild full of woe. [Nurs. Rhyme: Opie, 309]yewtree symbolizes grief. [Flower Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 178]



(mel'ăn-kō'lē-ă), 1. A severe form of depression marked by anhedonia, insomnia, psychomotor changes, and guilt. 2. A symptom occurring in other conditions, marked by depression of spirits and by a sluggish and painful process of thought. Synonym(s): melancholy [melan- + G. cholē, bile. See humoral doctrine]


(mĕl′ən-kŏl′ē)n.1. Sadness or depression of the spirits; gloom.2. Pensive reflection or contemplation.adj. Feeling, showing, or expressing depression of the spirits; sad or dejected.
mel′an·chol′i·ly adv.mel′an·chol′i·ness n.


The constellation of mental or emotional symptoms of depression or despondency. While melancholy continues to be used in a poetic (i.e., non-medical) fashion, it is not formally defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) and thus is not part of the working medical parlance.


Psychiatry Depression that follows external events–eg, mourning loss of a loved one. Cf Melancholia.


(mel-ăn-kō'lē-ă) 1. A severe form of depression marked by anhedonia, insomnia, psychomotor changes, and guilt. 2. A symptom occurring in other conditions, marked by depression of spirits and by a sluggish and painful process of thought.
Synonym(s): melancholy.
[melan- + G. cholē, bile]

Patient discussion about melancholy

Q. I may be healthier now, but miserable… I’ve not been smoking for a whole month (my longest period in the last decade), and I do feel a bit better physically, but it seems that I lost the joy of life – I don’t go out with my friends any more (because they’re all smokers), I envy other smokers, and generally I feel nervous and dull. Will it be like that forever or is there hope?A. Well, try to think about what are you missing? The foul smell? The yellow teeth? The feeling of suffocating next morning? Whenever you feel longing to cigarettes, try to think again why you stopped smoking- and it’d help you to keep with it.

Q. i get in to depression suddenly from a very calm mood. I get in to depression suddenly from a very calm mood. I am having a high mood swing for nearly a year. Sometimes I become crazy and start to jump on the roads. The other minute I do remember something from past and go in to deep depression. Due to this continuous change in my mood I am not able to concentrate on my studies. With this behavior I have lost some of my good friends too. This has put me in continuous stress and I have almost forgotten my good night sleep. My friends say that I am a bipolar…. A. Rohan,
The others are right, it would be benificial to you to seek professional help... You are saying that you have things in your past that are causing you stress, those things need to be worked through with a professional. You do not hve to continue suffering... Seek a proper diagnosis and you will get treatments that can help you feel much better...

Q. I’m often getting mood swings and depression. I’m fresher to my college. I’m often getting mood swings and depression. I don’t have close friend in this college, to share my thoughts. And I think there’s no point in life. And I don't want to do anything. Help me.A. Well, depression and mood swings are common to all. So don’t worry about that. You need to talk to someone who is close to you and try to talk with your doctor, and a small amount of meds will help out a lot and won’t make you sick. Good luck!!!

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Synonyms for melancholy

adj sad


  • sad
  • down
  • depressed
  • unhappy
  • low
  • blue
  • miserable
  • moody
  • gloomy
  • dismal
  • sombre
  • woeful
  • glum
  • mournful
  • dejected
  • despondent
  • dispirited
  • melancholic
  • downcast
  • lugubrious
  • pensive
  • sorrowful
  • disconsolate
  • joyless
  • doleful
  • downhearted
  • heavy-hearted
  • down in the dumps
  • woebegone
  • down in the mouth
  • low-spirited


  • happy
  • cheerful
  • bright
  • glad
  • lively
  • sunny
  • jolly
  • merry
  • joyous
  • joyful
  • blithe
  • gay
  • light-hearted

noun sadness


  • sadness
  • depression
  • misery
  • gloom
  • sorrow
  • woe
  • blues
  • unhappiness
  • despondency
  • the hump
  • dejection
  • low spirits
  • gloominess
  • pensiveness


  • delight
  • pleasure
  • joy
  • happiness
  • gladness

Synonyms for melancholy

noun a feeling or spell of dismally low spirits


  • blues
  • dejection
  • depression
  • despondence
  • despondency
  • doldrums
  • dolefulness
  • downheartedness
  • dumps
  • dysphoria
  • funk
  • gloom
  • glumness
  • heavy-heartedness
  • mope
  • mournfulness
  • sadness
  • unhappiness

adj in low spirits


  • blue
  • dejected
  • depressed
  • desolate
  • dispirited
  • down
  • downcast
  • downhearted
  • dull
  • dysphoric
  • gloomy
  • heavy-hearted
  • low
  • melancholic
  • sad
  • spiritless
  • tristful
  • unhappy
  • wistful

adj tending to cause sadness or low spirits


  • blue
  • cheerless
  • depressing
  • dismal
  • dispiriting
  • gloomy
  • joyless
  • sad

Synonyms for melancholy

noun a feeling of thoughtful sadness

Related Words

  • sadness
  • unhappiness
  • gloom
  • gloominess
  • somberness
  • sombreness
  • heavyheartedness
  • pensiveness
  • brooding
  • Weltschmerz
  • world-weariness

noun a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed

Related Words

  • depression

noun a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the kidneys or spleen and to cause sadness and melancholy


  • black bile

Related Words

  • bodily fluid
  • body fluid
  • liquid body substance
  • humour
  • humor

adj characterized by or causing or expressing sadness


  • melancholic

Related Words

  • sad

adj grave or even gloomy in character


  • somber
  • sombre

Related Words

  • cheerless
  • depressing
  • uncheerful




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