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ovarian [o-var´e-an] pertaining to an ovary.ovarian cancer cancer of the ovary, one of the leading causes of cancer-related death in women in the United States. Despite advances in treatment, the survival rate has risen only slightly since 1950. Although aggressive treatment in the early stages offers the best prognosis, detection before the malignancy reaches an advanced stage is difficult. Signs and symptoms become more apparent as the tumor grows. The first finding is usually a pelvic mass noted on pelvic examination. However, if the patient is obese or has difficulty relaxing and cooperating with the examiner, the mass may not be felt. With increased size, the tumor compresses the surrounding pelvic structures, which may cause a feeling of fullness and pain in the pelvis or abdomen, abnormal uterine bleeding, urinary complaints, dyspareunia, and later ascites. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, and anorexia may also be associated. Diagnosis is established when the mass is found during exploratory surgery and peritoneal cytology. A plan of treatment is developed according to the stage of the disease. The modes of therapy include total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and a partial or complete omentectomy. Radiation and chemotherapy are administered after surgery to destroy malignant cells remaining in the abdominal cavity.Patient Care. Among the major problems associated with ovarian malignancy are those related to abdominopelvic surgery, and the side effects of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Additionally, the patient with advanced malignancy may suffer from the effects of ascites, which can cause discomfort and shortness of breath, and pleural effusion, which can produce cough, dyspnea, and chest pain. Nutritional problems and emaciation can occur because of a host of factors such as nausea and anorexia, fullness and discomfort of ascites, and tumor involvement of the intestines. Moreover, cancer itself interferes with normal metabolism of nutrients. Intestinal obstruction or other complications related to digestion, absorption, and excretion are the major causes of death in the patient with ovarian cancer. While specific measures to prevent ovarian cancer are not known, health care providers can encourage early detection by stressing the importance of regular gynecologic examinations and teaching women to recognize the signs and symptoms of ovarian tumors.ovarian vein syndrome obstruction of the ureter, usually on the right side, due to compression by an enlarged or varicose ovarian vein; typically the vein becomes enlarged during pregnancy, the symptoms being those of obstruction or infection of the upper urinary tract.o·var·i·an vein syn·dromea condition characterized by intermittent abdominal pain due to ureteral compression by the right ovarian vein, occurring with most frequency on the right side, and thought to be due to aberrant crossing of the right ovarian vein over the ureter, generally at the level of the first sacral vertebra; dilation of the ovarian vein during pregnancy and unilateral ptosis of the kidney are thought to be contributing factors leading to intermittent ureteral obstruction and recurring bouts of pain and pyelonephritis.ovarian vein 'syndrome' A clinical complex due to an enlarged and tortuous right ovarian vein with incompetence of the venous valves, typically seen in pregnancy, which is accompanied by hydronephrosis and pyelonephritis Clinical Intermittent right flank pain coinciding with menstruation, recurring UTI and exacerbation with progesterone Treatment Surgical. |