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mon·o·chro·ma·tism M0391600 (mŏn′ə-krō′mə-tĭz′əm)n.1. The condition of being completely colorblind.2. The quality or condition of having or exhibiting only one color: sexual monochromatism in plumage.monochromatism (ˌmɒnəʊˈkrəʊməˌtɪzəm) or monochromasyn (Pathology) a visual defect in which all colours appear as variations of a single huemon•o•chro•ma•tism (ˌmɒn əˈkroʊ məˌtɪz əm) n. a defect of vision in which the retina fails to perceive color. [1860–65] monochromatism1. the quality of being of only one color or in only one color, as a work of art. 2. a defect of eyesight in which the retina cannot perceive color. — monochromatic, adj.See also: ColorThesaurusNoun | 1. | monochromatism - complete color blindness; colors can be differentiated only on the basis of brightnessmonochromacy, monochromasy, monochromatic vision, monochromiacolor blindness, color vision deficiency, colour blindness, colour vision deficiency - genetic inability to distinguish differences in hue | Translationsmonochromatism
monochromatism[¦män·ə¦krō·mə‚tiz·əm] (medicine) monochromasia monochromatism
monochromatism [mon″o-kro´mah-tizm), (mon″o-kro″mah-top´se-ah] (monochromatopsia) monochromatic vision.cone monochromatism that in which there is some cone function.rod monochromatism that in which there is complete absence of cone function.mon·o·chro·ma·tism (mon-ō-krō'mă-tizm), 1. The state of having or exhibiting only one color. 2. Synonym(s): achromatopsia [mono- + G. chrōma, color] monochromatism (mŏn′ə-krō′mə-tĭz′əm)n.1. The condition of being completely colorblind.2. The quality or condition of having or exhibiting only one color: sexual monochromatism in plumage.monochromatism (1) Complete colour blindness, see there. (2) A state or thing with only one colour.mon·o·chro·ma·tism (mon'ō-krō'mă-tizm) 1. The state of having or exhibiting only one color. 2. Synonym(s): achromatopsia. [mono- + G. chrōma, color]achromatism 1. The condition of being totally colour blind. Syn. achromatopsia. 2. Absence of colour. 3. Condition of a lens or an optical system corrected for, or free from, chromatic aberration. See monochromat.
monochromatPerson who has a condition of monochromatism (total colour blindness). There are two types of monochromats: the cone monochromat whose photopic luminosity curve resembles the normal and who has normal visual acuity and dark adaptation; and the rod monochromat whose retina does not contain functional cones and, therefore, has poor vision, photophobia and sometimes associated nystagmus and myopia. Monochromats are very rare: estimated at about three persons in 100 000. See achromatopsia; defective colour vision; cone dystrophy.mon·o·chro·ma·tism (mon'ō-krō'mă-tizm) 1. The state of having or exhibiting only one color. 2. Synonym(s): achromatopsia. [mono- + G. chrōma, color]monochromatism
Synonyms for monochromatismnoun complete color blindnessSynonyms- monochromacy
- monochromasy
- monochromatic vision
- monochromia
Related Words- color blindness
- color vision deficiency
- colour blindness
- colour vision deficiency