释义 |
monochromasia[‚män·ə·krə′mā·zhə] (medicine) Complete color blindness in which all colors appear as shades of gray. Also known as monochromatism. monochromasia
ach·ro·ma·top·si·a , achromatopsy (ă-krō'mă-top'sē-ă, a-krō'mă-top-sē), [MIM*216900, MIM*262300 & MIM*603096] The complete form of achromatopsia, characterized by severe deficiency of color perception, associated with nystagmus, photophobia, reduced visual acuity, and "day blindness"; is of autosomal recessive inheritance. One form, Achromatopsia type 1, maps to chromosome 14. Achromatopsia type 2 is caused by mutation in the cone photoreceptor cGMP-gated cation channel, alpha-subunit 3 gene (CNGA3) on chromosome 2q. Achromatopsia type 3 is caused by mutation in the CNGB3 on 8q. Synonym(s): achromatic vision, monochromasia, monochromasy, monochromatism (2) [G. a- priv. + chrōma, color, + opsis, vision] complete colour blindness The complete inability to discern colours; all visual stimuli are viewed as black, white or grey.monochromasia Complete absence of any perception of colour. Monochromasia is very rare. There is an absence or severe deficiency of cones in the RETINA and VISUAL ACUITY is poor. A person with this defect is called a monochromat. |