Acronym | Definition |
OTT➣Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) |
OTT➣Office of Technology Transfer |
OTT➣Over The Top |
OTT➣Open Office Text Template |
OTT➣Object Type Translator (computing) |
OTT➣Office of Transportation Technologies (US DOE) |
OTT➣Overseas-Trained Teacher (UK) |
OTT➣Off the Truck |
OTT➣Office of Technology Transition (ODUSDS&T) |
OTT➣Oikeustieteen Tohtori (Finnish: Doctor of Laws; law degree) |
OTT➣One Tool Torque (trademark of Master Lock Company, LLC) |
OTT➣Office of Training Technology (Chief of Naval Operations) |
OTT➣Our Toxic Times (newsletter of the Chemical Injury Information Network) |
OTT➣Office of Travel and Tourism |
OTT➣Optical Technology Training Ltd (UK) |
OTT➣Obelisk the Tormentor (Yu-Gi-Oh! card) |
OTT➣Operator Tactics Trainer |
OTT➣One-Time Tape |
OTT➣Ontario Traffic Tickets (OTT Legal Services, Inc.; Canada) |
OTT➣Operating Theatre Technician (UK) |
OTT➣Off Their Trolley |
OTT➣Ocean Tactical Targeting |
OTT➣Office of Technological Terminology (Technion, Israel) |
OTT➣Output Threshold Test |
OTT➣Office of Outreach and Technology Transfer (North Carolina) |
OTT➣Origin Truck Terminal |
OTT➣Operational Training Test |