释义 |
milliaryenUK mil·li·ar·y M0293400 (mĭl′ē-ĕr′ē)adj. Relating to or marking the distance of an ancient Roman mile, which equaled 1,000 paces. [Latin mīlliārius, consisting of a thousand, one mile long, from mīlle (passuum), a thousand (double paces), a Roman mile; see gheslo- in Indo-European roots.]milliary (ˈmɪljərɪ) adj (Units) relating to or marking a distance equal to an ancient Roman mile of a thousand paces[C17: from Latin milliārius containing a thousand, from mille thousand]mil•li•ar•y (ˈmɪl iˌɛr i) adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or designating the ancient Roman mile of 1000 paces. 2. marking a mile. [1600–10; < Latin milliārius a thousand paces long. See milli-, -ary] |