Konstantin Bazili
Bazili, Konstantin Mikhailovich
Born Feb. 3 (15), 1809; died Feb. 10 (22), 1884. Russian diplomat, writer, and historian. Born in Istanbul; Greek by origin.
Bazili received his education at the Nezhin High School of Higher Sciences (1822–27) and at the Odessa Lycée Richelieu (1827–30). From 1839 to December 1843 he was consul and from December 1843 to 1853 consul general in Syria and Palestine. Bazili’s book on Syria and Palestine, which appeared in 1862–63, was one of the most serious studies of these countries in the 19th century. His historical attitudes were influenced by F. Guizot and A. Thierry.
Siriia i Palestina pod turetskim pravitel’ stvom. . . . Moscow, 1962. (Includes a bibliography of Bazili’s works.)For criticism of him see Middle East Journal, 1964, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 123–24.
Smilianskaia, I. M. “K. M. Bazili—rossiiskii diplomat i istorik Sirii.” In Ocherki po istorii russkogo vostokovedeniia, collection 4. Moscow, 1959.I. M. SMILIANSKAIA