Barkov, Ivan Semenovich
Barkov, Ivan Semenovich
(according to other information, Stepanovich). Born circa 1732; died 1768 in St. Petersburg. Russian poet and translator.
Barkov translated mainly classical works, including the satires of Horace and the fables of Phaedrus. He wrote a biography of A. D. Kantemir that was appended to an edition of the latter’s satires (1762). Barkov’s obscene poems were circulated in manuscript.
Sochineniia i perevody, 1762–1764. St. Petersburg, 1872.REFERENCES
Makogenenko, G. “Vrag pamasskikh uz.” Russkaia literatura, 1964, no. 4.Kuliabko, E. S., and N. V. Sokolova. “I. S. Barkov—Uchenik Lomonosova.” In Lomonosov: Sb. st. i materialov, vol. 6. Moscow-Leningrad, 1965.