natural antibody

nor·mal an·ti·bod·y

antibodies occurring as a result of immunoglobulin DNA rearrangement and somatic hypermutation rather than in response to stimulation with a specific antigen. Synonym(s): natural antibody

natural antibody

An antibody (e.g., anti-A, anti-B blood group antibodies) that is present in the circulation without prior exposure to the cognate antigen.

natural antibody

Normal antibody An antibody present in the circulation, without prior exposure to its cognate antigen

nor·mal an·ti·body

(nōr'măl an'ti-bod-ē) Antibody demonstrable in the serum or plasma of various people or animals not known to have been stimulated by specific antigen, either artificially or as the result of naturally occurring contact.
Synonym(s): natural antibody.