Acronym | Definition |
NFL➣National Football League |
NFL➣Newfoundland (Canada) |
NFL➣No Fun League |
NFL➣Not For Long |
NFL➣National Forensic League |
NFL➣Niagra Falls (Amtrak station code; Niagra Falls, NY) |
NFL➣Nachrichten für Luftfahrer (German: Notices to Airmen; German Air Traffic Control) |
NFL➣Negative Feedback Loop |
NFL➣Narrow Flood Light (lightbulb) |
NFL➣Never Forget Loyalty |
NFL➣No Free Lunch |
NFL➣National Fertilizer Limited (est. 1974; India) |
NFL➣New Found Love |
NFL➣No Friends Left |
NFL➣Nerve Fiber Layer |
NFL➣Npower Football League (UK) |
NFL➣NAS Fallon (Naval Air Station; Nevada) |
NFL➣National Foods Limited (various locations) |
NFL➣Northumberland Ferries Limited (Canada) |
NFL➣Non-Fermi Liquid |
NFL➣National Food Laboratory (California) |
NFL➣National Federation of Labor |
NFL➣Non-Federal Levee (US Army) |
NFL➣National Forensic Laboratory |
NFL➣Nyungwe Forest Lodge (Rwanda) |
NFL➣No-Fire Line |
NFL➣No Freakin' Lime |
NFL➣Not Freakin' Likely |
NFL➣New Foreign Launch (military launch detection) |
NFL➣Norwegian Defence Industry Group |
NFL➣Nerd for Life |
NFL➣Noise Floor Level |
NFL➣Navigation Feature Layer |
NFL➣Neue Fünf Länder (the states of former East Germany) |
NFL➣Near, Far Line (marine engineering; US DoD) |