

(kō'nē-ō-kōr'teks), Regions of the cerebal cortex characterized by a particularly well-developed inner granular layer (layer 4); this type of cerebral cortex is represented by the primary sensory Brodmann area 17 of the visual cortex, Brodmann areas 1-3 of the somatic sensory cortex, and Brodmann area 41 of the auditory cortex.
See also: cerebral cortex.
[G. konis, dust, + L. cortex, bark]


(kō'nē-ō-kōr'teks) Regions of the cerebal cortex characterized by a particularly well-developed inner granular layer (layer 4); this type of cerebral cortex is represented by the primary sensory area 17 of the visual cortex, areas 1-3 of the somatic sensory cortex, and area 41 of the auditory cortex.
See also: cerebral cortex


(kō″nē-ō-kor′tĕks) [Gr. konis, dust, + L. cortex, rind] The cortex of the sensory areas, so named because of its granular appearance.


(kō'nē-ō-kōr'teks) Regions of the cerebal cortex characterized by a particularly well-developed inner granular layer (layer 4); this type of cerebral cortex is represented by the primary sensory Brodmann area 17 of the visual cortex, Brodmann areas 1-3 of the somatic sensory cortex, and Brodmann area 41 of the auditory cortex.