Lev Bergelson
Bergel’son, Lev Davydovich
Born Aug. 8, 1918, in Gaisin, Vinnitsa Oblast. Soviet organic chemist and biochemist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1968). Member of the CPSU since 1967. Student of I. N. Nazarov and V. M. Rodionov. Graduated from Moscow State University in 1941. Doctor of chemical sciences (1963), professor (1964).
Bergel’son’s main work deals with the synthesis and relationship between structure and function in lipids, antibiotics, steroids, and other physiologically active compounds; stereochemistry and conformation analysis; the effect of stereoelectronic factors on the mechanism of reactions and biological activity; and chemical technology of natural lipids. He has been awarded the Order of the Red Star and medals.
Khimiia steroidnykh gormonov. Moscow, 1955. (Jointly with I. N. Nazarov.)Khimiia antibiotikov, vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1961. (Coauthor.)