Kondoleon operation

Kon·do·le·on op·er·a·tion

(kon-dō'lā-ŏn), excision of strips of subcutaneous connective tissue for the relief of elephantiasis.

Kondoleon operation

(kŏn′dō-lē′ŏn, kôn′dô-lĕ′ôn)n. Excision of strips of subcutaneous connective tissue for the relief of elephantiasis.

Kon·do·le·on op·er·a·tion

(kon-dō'lē-ŏn op-ĕr-ā'shŭn) Excision of strips of subcutaneous connective tissue for the relief of elephantiasis.


Emmanuel, Greek surgeon, 1879-1939. Kondoleon operation - excision of strips of subcutaneous connective tissue for the relief of elephantiasis.