Marcel Griaule
Griaule, Marcel
Born May 16, 1898, in Aisy-sur-Armançon, in the department of Yonne; died Feb. 22, 1956, in Paris. French ethnologist. Professor of the University of Paris (from 1942). Secretary general of the Society of Af-ricanists.
An organizer of five expeditions to Africa, Griaule devoted his main studies to the spiritual culture and archaeology of the peoples of West Africa. These works expressed strong antiracist sentiments. However, while demanding respect for African civilization, Griaule reduced its essence to religious beliefs and mythology and actually advocated the preservation of those archaic elements of African culture that hinder the development of a new Africa.
Les Flambeurs d’hommes. Paris, 1934.Masques dogons. Paris, 1938.
Dieu d’eau. Entretiens avec Ogotemmêli. Paris, 1948.
“Fouilles dans le région du Tchad.” Journal de la Société desAfricanistes, 1948, vol. 18; 1950, vol. 20. (With J. P. Lebeuf.)
Méthode de l’ethnographie. Paris, 1957.