the language of the Komi-Permiaks, who live in the Komi-Permiak National Okrug in Perm’ Oblast, RSFSR. It belongs to the Permian subgroup of the Finno-Ugric language family and is spoken by 131,200 persons (1970, census).
Komi-Permiak is closely related to Zyrian. There are two main dialects, northern and southern. The Komi-Permiak literary language took shape after the Great October Socialist Revolution on the basis of the southern dialect, with the introduction of the sound [1] in the form in which it is used in the Zyrian literary language; this was done to bring the two main Komi-Permiak dialects closer together. The spoken form of the southern dialect is characterized by the absence of the sound [1]. Textbooks, sociopolitical literature, and fiction are published in Komi-Permiak, and an anthology is issued periodically.
Komi-permiatskii iazyk. Kudymkar, 1962.Lytkin, V. I. “Komi-permiatskii iazyk.” In the collection lazyki narodov SSSR, vol. 3. Moscow, 1966.
Kuznetsov, P. S., and A. M. Sporova. Russko-komi-permiatskii slovar’. Kudymkar, 1946.