Komani Culture
Komani Culture
an archaeological culture in northern Albania that existed from the seventh-eighth century A.D. to the late Middle Ages. The culture is named after the village of Komani near the city of Puka, where burial mounds and traces of habitation were discovered in 1899. Primarily the necropolises have been investigated. Bronze and iron tools and weapons as well as silver and glass ornaments have been found. Links between the Komani culture and the Illyrian culture and the coincidence of the former’s boundaries with the medieval Albanian ethnic area of distribution attest to the continuity of the local culture and the indigenous nature of the Albanian ethnos.
Ivanova, Iu. V. “Izuchenie pamiatnikov illiriiskoi epokhi v Albanii.” Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1957, no. 1.Anamali, S. Le Problème de la civilisation haute-médiévale albanaise à la lumière des nouvelles découvertes archéologiques. [Tirana, 1966.]