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lower case
lower case n (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a compositor's type case, in which the small letters are kept adj (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) of or relating to small letters vb (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (tr) to print with lower-case letters low′er case′ (ˈloʊ ər) n. See under case 2 (def. 8). [1675–85] low•er•case (ˈloʊ ərˈkeɪs) adj., v. -cased, -cas•ing, n. adj. 1. (of an alphabetical letter) of a particular form often different from and smaller than its corresponding capital letter, as a, b, q, r. v.t. 2. to print or write with a lowercase letter or letters. n. 3. a lowercase letter. TranslationsKleinbuchstabenKleinschriftminusculeminuscolo [di carattere]минускулEncyclopediaSeeback-end CASEFinancialSeel/cThesaurusSeelowercase |