Acronym | Definition |
OAL➣Office of Administrative Law |
OAL➣Overall Length (see LOA) |
OAL➣Obey All Laws (various locations) |
OAL➣Office of Acquisition and Logistics (US VA) |
OAL➣Orthopedic Associates of Lancaster (Lancaster, PA) |
OAL➣Optimized Acl Logging |
OAL➣Oem Adaptation Layer |
OAL➣Open Audio License (EFF) |
OAL➣Other Airline |
OAL➣Open Air Laboratory |
OAL➣Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa (Portugese: Lisbon Astronomical Observatory) |
OAL➣Overactive Let-Down (breastfeeding) |
OAL➣Ordinary Adoption Leave (UK) |
OAL➣Open Access Lab (various universities) |
OAL➣Offline Address List (Microsoft Outlook) |
OAL➣Open Audio Library |
OAL➣Orico Auto Leasing (Japan) |
OAL➣Olympic Airways Greece (ICAO code) |
OAL➣Optimized ACL Logging (Cisco) |
OAL➣Optical Array Logic |
OAL➣Ost Allgäu (region in Germany) |
OAL➣Organización Anarquista Libertad (Spanish; Anarchist Freedom Organization, Argentina) |
OAL➣Open Access Leiden (Netherlands) |
OAL➣Order, Algebra and Logics (conference) |
OAL➣Operations Acceptance Letter (UK project management) |