释义 |
leukokoria leukokoria [loo″ko-kor´e-ah] any condition marked by the appearance of a whitish reflex or mass in the pupillary area behind the lens.leu·ko·co·ri·a , leukokoria (lū'kō-kō'rē-ă, lū'kō-kō'rē-ă), Reflection from a white mass within the eye giving the appearance of a white pupil. Synonym(s): leukokoria, white pupillary reflex [leuko- white, + G. korē, pupil] leu·ko·co·ri·a , leukokoria (lū'kō-kōr'ē-ă) Reflection from a white mass within the eye giving the appearance of a white pupil. [leuko- white, + G. korē, pupil] |