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leukocytoplania leukocytoplania [loo″ko-si″to-pla´ne-ah] wandering of leukocytes; passage of leukocytes through a membrane.leu·ko·cy·to·pla·ni·a (lū'kō-sī'tō-plā'nē-ă), Movement of leukocytes from the lumens of blood vessels, through serous membranes, or in the tissues. [leukocyte + G. planē, a wandering] leukopedesis The egress of leukocytes from blood vessels into tissue and/or serous cavities.leu·ko·cy·to·pla·ni·a (lū'kō-sī'tō-plā'nē-ă) Movement of leukocytes from the lumens of blood vessels through serous membranes, or in the tissues. [leukocyte + G. planē, a wandering] |