leukocytoclastic vasculitis

leu·ko·cy·to·clas·tic vas·cu·li·tis

cutaneous acute vasculitis characterized clinically by palpable purpura, especially of the legs, and histologically by exudation of the neutrophils and sometimes fibrin around dermal venules, with nuclear dust and extravasation of red cells; may be limited to the skin or involve other tissues as in Henoch-Schönlein purpura.
See also: cutaneous vasculitis.
[G. leukos, white, + kytos, cell, + klastos, broken, fr. klao, to break]

allergic vasculitis

A form of nonthrombocytopenic purpura due to a hypersensitivity vasculitis associated with urticaria, erythema, arthritis, gastrointestinal symptoms and renal involvement.

leukocytoclastic vasculitis

Cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis A form of vasculitis with fragmentation of neutrophil nuclei, immune complex deposition–direct immunofluorescence demonstrates IgG, IgM and complement deposition, that elicits neutrophilic 'suicide' and deposition of abundant nuclear 'dust', necrotic debris and fibrin, most common in small post-capillary venules; the condition may be local–eg, cutaneous or systemic. See Vasculitis.

leu·ko·cy·to·clas·tic vas·cu·li·tis

(lū'kō-sī-tō-klas'tik vas'kyū-lī'tis) Cutaneous acute vasculitis characterized clinically by palpable purpura, especially of the legs, and histologically by exudation of the neutrophils and sometimes fibrin around dermal venules, with nuclear dust and extravasation of red blood cells; may be limited to the skin or involve other tissues as in Henoch-Schönlein purpura.
See also: cutaneous vasculitis
[G. leukos, white, + kytos, cell, + klastos, broken, fr. klao, to break]