Kokoshkin, Fedor
Kokoshkin, Fedor Fedorovich
Born 1871 in Kholm, Liublin Province (now Chelm, Poland); died Jan. 7 (20), 1918, in Petrograd. One of the founders of the Constitutional Democrat (Cadet) Party and a member of its Central Committee; lawyer, essayist, deputy to the First State Duma.
In 1904 and 1905, Kokoshkin belonged to the Union of Liberation. In July and August 1917 he was state controller of the bourgeois Provisional Government. After the October Revolution, Kokoshkin was arrested on Nov. 28 (Dec. 11), 1917, for anti-Soviet activity and confined in Peter and Paul Fortress. Subsequently he was transferred for treatment to the Mariia Hospital in Petrograd, where he was murdered by anarchist sailors.