释义 |
leuk-pref. Variant of leuko-.leuk- combining form (Colours) a a variant of leuco- leuk- var. of leuko- before a vowel. leuk-enUK
leuk(o)- word element [Gr.], white; leukocyte.leuko- , leuk- (lū'kō, lūk), White; white blood cells. For some words beginning thus, see leuc- and leuco-. [G. leukos, white] leuko- , leuk-Combining forms meaning white; white blood cells. For some words beginning this way, see leuc- and leuco-. [G. leukos, white]leuko-, leuk-, leuc-, leuco- [Gr. leukos, white] Prefixes meaning white, white corpuscle, or white matter of the brain. |