

单词 milking



M0295300 (mĭlk)n.1. A whitish liquid containing proteins, fats, lactose, and various vitamins and minerals that is produced by the mammary glands of all mature female mammals after they have given birth and serves as nourishment for their young.2. The milk of cows, goats, or other animals, used as food by humans.3. Any of various potable liquids resembling milk, such as coconut milk or soymilk.4. A liquid resembling milk in consistency, such as milkweed sap or milk of magnesia.v. milked, milk·ing, milks v.tr.1. a. To draw milk from the teat or udder of (a female mammal).b. To draw or extract a liquid from: milked the stem for its last drops of sap.2. To press out, drain off, or remove (a liquid): milk venom from a snake.3. Informal a. To draw out or extract something from: milked the witness for information.b. To obtain money or benefits from, in order to achieve personal gain; exploit: "The dictator and his cronies had milked their country of somewhere between $5 billion and $10 billion" (Russell Watson).c. To obtain the greatest possible advantage from (a situation).d. To get the greatest effect from (a line or scene in a play, for example).v.intr.1. To yield or supply milk.2. To draw milk from a female mammal.Idiom: milk it To take advantage of the help or kindness of others, as when one acts as if one still needs help after recovering from an illness.
[Middle English, from Old English milc; see melg- in Indo-European roots.]
milk′er n.


(ˈmɪlkɪŋ) n (Agriculture) the act of removing or extracting milk from the udders or mammary glands of an animal such as a cow, goat, or sheep




the process of obtaining milk from farm animals (cows, goats, sheep, mares).

In a lactating cow, milk forms in the udder between milkings and is retained in it because of the capillarity of the mammary gland, the special arrangement of ducts, and the presence of sphincters in the teats. Milking is possible because of a complex series of natural reflexes. Under the stimulation of nerve endings in the mammary gland during milking, the sphincters of the teats relax, the smooth muscles of the udder contract, and the milk is released from the milk cisterns and the large efferent ducts. Several seconds later, under the effect of the hormone oxytocin, the stellate cells around the alveoli contract, the alveoli themselves contract, and the milk moves into the ducts and cisterns. However, even after careful milking, a certain amount (10-15 percent) of the milk, with a fat content of 9-12 percent, remains in the udder.

In time, lactating cows develop conditioned responses to the surroundings for letting down the milk. The noise of the milking machine motor, the appearance of the milkmaid, and other conditioned stimuli cause the contraction of the alveoli and the secretion of the pituitary hormone, just as in the ordinary milking process. Unusual stimuli (for example, an abrupt noise or a change in the usual surroundings) can inhibit the let-down reflex. Therefore, it is important in milking to be quiet and not to disturb the usual order.

Cows may be milked by machine or by hand. The most favorable physiological conditions are created for removing the milk from the udder in mechanical milking. The machine milks all four lobes of the udder simultaneously, whereas in hand milking only two lobes are squeezed at a time (however, stimulation of even two teats causes the let-down reflex in all quarters of the udder).

Cows must be prepared for milking. The udders are washed with warm water, the first jets are milked by hand into a separate vessel, and not more than 1-1.5 min later the cups of the milking machine are placed on the teats. So-called stripping is carried out before the end of milking. The milking cups are drawn downward and somewhat forward several times by hand. The duration of milking depends on the amount of milk and the let-down reflex; a well-prepared cow can be milked in four or five minutes.

The most correct and hygienic manual method is milking by fist. It is best to start milking from the rear quarters of the udder, where there is more milk. One should not milk one-half of the udder first and then the other; rather, the milking of the hind and front pairs of teats should be alternated, without waiting until the milk has been extracted completely. The order should be consistent. The milkmaid always sits on the right side of the animal.

Milking times should be arranged so that in the intervals between milkings the udder can fill with milk and thus the milk formation is not impeded. Cows are usually milked two or three times a day, although high-yielding and newly calved cows are milked three or four times daily. The number of milkings is gradually reduced before steaming up.


The milking of sheep is most widespread in astrakhan lamb raising. Sheep of other coarse-fleeced breeds are also sometimes milked. Ewes whose lambs have been slaughtered for astrakhan fur or weaned are milked twice a day. Nursing ewes are first milked 2-2.5 months after lambing; they are milked once a day until weaning. Milking is discontinued no later than 1-1.5 months before pairing. Milk goats are milked twice a day. Because of the small capacity of the udder, the mares must be milked every 2 hours during the first two months of lactation, and subsequently, every three or four hours. Sheep, goats, and mares are milked by hand.


Korolev, V. ¥. Mashinnoe doenie korov. Moscow, 1953.
Mashinnoe doenie korov, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1964.
Azimov, G. I. Kak obrazuetsia moloko. Moscow, 1965.



Heart surgery The gentle squeezing of a blood vessel, often a distal vein or the extremity itself, 'milking' it proximally to extract a non-adherent thrombus


(milk'ing) A procedure used to express the contents of a tube or duct to obtain a specimen or to test for tenderness.

Patient discussion about milking

Q. Can I be allergic only to milk? I don't get anything from eating dairy- only from drinking milk I get itchy and sneezy. is that possible?A. dairy milk is devoid of any enzymes because it's pasturized
your body needs enzymes to break milk proteins down
if your allergic it means you don't have enough enzymes to break them down
and your body is trying to signal you to stop what you are doing
try getting an enzyme before taking milk if you don't want milk to take out from your diet
a substitute would be rice milk or almond milk

Q. Is this because of the milk change or anything else. After the change of formula milk to cow milk one and half year old daughter seems to be constipated most days. It’s really upsetting her. Is this because of the milk change or anything else?A. Check if your baby is not consuming the milk more than required and recommended. Large volume of milk, both formula or cows can lead to constipation in children. Reduce her intake of milk see if the constipation resolves, but ensure of her fluid intake like plain water to help her digestive system. It’s always good to keep up a good intake of plain water. Fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals are the best sources of fibre and must be introduced and these stimulate the digestive system. Try these as it may of your help, but if trouble persists do visit a doctor or dietician.

Q. Does cow's milk cause acne? I'm 16 years old guy, and I have acne for several years now. Lately, although I treat it as my dermatologist instructs me, it seems I have more zits, particularly on my face.My friend told it can be because for the last few months ago I've been drinking a cup of milk for breakfast (I almost didn't drink milk at all before that). Is it true? The acne really makes me miserable, and the last thing I want to do is to make it worse.Thanks!!!A. Regardless of what milk does to your acne, emotional stress can also make it worse, so first of all, try to relax- it'll make feel better and can also make your acne better, so it'll make you feel even better. Try to avoid milk for some time and see what helps you most. No one really proved milk has any influence on acne, so you shouldn't feel like you you're responsible for your acne.

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